
The Lynns, Linns, and Linds of Scotland and Ulster

Including these additional variant spellings

Lean, Lein, Len, Lena, Lenna, Lennie, Leyne,

Lin, Lind, Line, Linn, Linne, Linnie, Lyn, Lynd, Lyne, Lynn, Lynne, and Lynny

with a few occurrences of Lindesay and Lyndesay


CD #3 - Edinburgh and the Lothians


Other Surnames Appearing in This Volume


Since M' and Mc both are simply abbreviations of Mac, Mac is used throughout this index, whether appearing as M', Mc, or Mac in the historical record.

Many of the surnames listed appear in more than one place and/or generation in this volume.

Where two or more spellings are listed together but are separated by diagonals, all spellings appear for the same individual.  One or more alternate spellings placed in brackets indicates known alternates but not alternates appearing for the same individual.  A question mark in brackets indicates only a possible alternate spelling.

Abercromby Duncan Mitchell
Aberneathie [Abernathy] Duncanson Montgomery
Achison/Aitcheson/Aitchison Dunn Moodie
Adamson Edingtoun/Idington More [Moore]
Aikine/Aitkin Eliot [Elliott] Mowbray
Ainslie Edmonston Muir
Aitchison/Aitchisone Ewing Murray
Aitkin/Aikine Falconer Nasmith
Alexander Fall Neilson
Allan Farrer Nilson
Allardice/Allardyce Fleming


Andersone Forrest O’Brien
Arnot Foster Paterson
Auchenleck/Auchenlock/ Foullis Petticrew
   Auchinleck/Auchinlock/ Fraizer/Fraser/Frazer Player
   Augenleck Gibson Potter
Bain Gowdie Pringle
Beg Grant Reid [Reed]
Black Gray Rennie
Borthwick Haliburton/Halyburton Robertson/Robertsone
Bowie Hall Scott
Boyce Handiesyde/Handyside Scoullar
Boyd Hay Selkridge
Brantoun/Bruntoun Henderson Semple
Brodie Holyday [Holiday] Sheerlaw
Broun/Brown Hume Sherwill
Brounrig Hunter Sherriflaw/Shirifelaw
Brown Hynd Sibbald
Bruntoun/Brantoun Idington/Edingtoun Skleat
Burnie Johnston Smailholm
Cairns Johnstone/Johnstoun Small
Calwell Kay Smellum
Campbell Keir Smetton
Carmichael Kinninmond Smith
Chadwick Kinros[s] Smyth
Charteris/Charters Kleland/Cleland Steel
Christie Knows Storie
Cleghorne Lamb Struthers
Cleland/Kleland Landles Swinge/Swinger
Cliddisdail/Clydesdale Lister Symington
Cochrane Liston/Listoun/Listoune Tait
Cockburn Logane [Logan] Taylor
Cooper/Coupar/Couper Louden/Louthian Thomsone
Craw Lourie/Lowrie Trotter
Crawfurd [Crawford] Louthian Tueedie/Twedie/Tweidie/
Crees Macfarquhar    Tweedie/Tweedy
Cudbertsone [Cuthbertson] MacIntyre Waldie
Currie MacMurdo Watsoun [Watson]
Dalgleish Macon Watt
Dalrimpil [Dalrymple] MacReath - see Makreath Webster
Davie Main Weymuss
Davis Makreath Whillas
Dick Marshall White
Dickie Mason Whythall [Whitehall]
Donald Maxwell Whytlaw [Whitelaw]
Dounie/Downey/Downie Mealy Wilson
Drysdale Mill Wood
du Thom Miller Yoote [Hood?]
Duncan Milne Young


CD Index

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Updated 18 May 2012